We, Brazilian researchers in Spectral Graph Theory, decided to cross these difficult pandemic times holding an informal research event, called “SGT online 2021”. The purpose of this virtual meeting is to create an environment where renowned and young researchers can get together, listen to talks about current topics and learn about new results and current trends in spectral graph theory. We hope that the “SGT online 2021” will achieve these goals. At this moment, we invite everyone who is interested in spectral graph theory to join us in this meeting.


  • Research Group SGT-Rio
  • Research Group SGT-RS


  • Átila Arueira Jones – atila.jones@ifsudestemg.edu.br
  • Nair Maria Maia de Abreu – nairabreunovoa@gmail.com
  • Vilmar Trevisan – trevisan@mat.ufrgs.br

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