Welcome to WSGT 2023
In honor of Nair Abreu for her (70+3)rd birthday
We would like to invite you to the Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory 2023 (WSGT 2023), which will be held in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from October 24 to 27, 2023. The aim is to bring together young and experienced researchers in subjects related to spectral graph theory and its applications. Recent developments and an opportunity to exchange new ideas are expected as outcomes of this workshop.

About Nair Abreu
Prof Nair Abreu is the pioneer researcher in Spectral Graph Theory in Brazil. Her research on that theme was initiated in 1998, and the SGT Brazilian community is very grateful for her contributions.

Special Issue of the journal Special Matrices
The organizers are pleased to announce a special issue of the journal Special Matrices on the occasion of the Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory in honor of Nair Abreu for her (70+3)rd birthday. We invite submissions based on talks given at the workshop. Other papers not presented at the conference but in connection with the Workshop are welcome as well. A pdf file with a guideline on the submission process is available here.
Deadline for submissions: February 28th, 2024 March 31st, 2024
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
R. Prof. Marcos Waldemar de Freitas Reis, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24210-201 Gragoatá Campus
The workshop will be in Building G, First Floor
Contact Information
E-mail: wspectralgraphtheory@gmail.com
Phone: +55 41 99217-7060