Oral Communication and Poster
All participants of the WSGT 2023 are invited to submit an oral communication or a poster. In both cases, you should submit a one-page abstract.
To submit your abstract, please use the TEMPLATE available for download below.
After preparing your abstract with the template, please compile it to ensure that there are no errors. Save the PDF file for your abstract with a distinctive name, ideally «SurnameFirstName.pdf» (e.g.”MarieAnne.pdf), and upload both files (.tex and .PDF).
The submission must be made using this form (closed).
Afterwards, the Organizing Committee will evaluate the abstract and send a message to the corresponding author.
The abstract submission deadline is June, 30th July, 15th.
Accepted abstracts will be announced by July, 15th July, 25th.
For an accepted abstract to be included in the program of the workshop, the presenting author is required to pay the registration fee by August, 10th September, 15th.
Special Issue of the journal Special Matrices
The organizers are pleased to announce a special issue of the journal Special Matrices on the occasion of the Workshop on Spectral Graph Theory in honor of Nair Abreu for her (70+3)rd birthday. We invite submissions based on talks given at the workshop. Other papers not presented at the conference but in connection with the Workshop are welcome as well. A pdf file with a guideline on the submission process is available here.
Deadline for submissions: February 28th, 2024 March 31st, 2024